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As You Wish Lyrics - Artist : Eddie James
Oh, Emmanuel
God with us
Just one of the names in Christ
And when God came to be with us
He broke four thousand years of waiting
From Genesis chapter three, verse number fifteen
It had been a long wait
He broke four hundred years of silence
When He came
All the prophecies that He fulfilled
There's at least eight of them
That Christ fulfilled just in His birth alone
Things like being born in Bethlehem
Born of a virgin
Out of the lineage of David
On and on the list goes
Have you ever stopped to consider
Just exactly the odds that it would take
For just one person to fulfill those prophecies
Just of His birth alone?
A mathematician and a statistician decided he was gonna try to figure it out
He gathered twelve different classes over three years
Six hundred different statistical mathematicians
They calculated the odds of one person fulfilling those prophecies
Would be ten to the seventeenth power
May not mean a lot unless you love numbers
Let me put it in perspective
Take the entire state of Texas
Fill it to feet thick of quarters
Mark only one quarter
Turn yourself loose in the middle of Texas
Two feet thick in quarters
And try to find that one
If you were to find it
You would have greater odds of doing that
Than Jesus Christ would've had of fulfilling just those eight prophecies
My friend, I don't serve a God of accidents
I serve a God of providence
Jesus Christ is the messiah
If you're here and you don't know Him, you're missing it
I want you to think for just a moment
Of the news that was given to Mary
Can you imagine receiving the news that you were gonna bring forth the messiah?
You would bring forth Emmanuel, God in the flesh
Our answers might have been, "You've got the wrong person
I didn't sign up for this
I think you need to go find somebody else"
But not Mary
Just a young virgin
When she heard the news, her answer was this:
"Be it unto me according to Thy word"
In other words, "As You wish
God, Your word is my command"
That's what you called yielded, surrendered
You know, a good thing for us to do this Christmas
Would be stop and think, "Lord, that's my prayer"
Every time your spirit or your words moves in my heart
I wanna say, "Be it unto me, according to Thy word"

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